Hello there bloggers, and welcome to the twelfth Fitness App
Review blog! I decided to write about a nutrition app again because of the
podcast I posted below. In the podcast, I talk about my struggles with dieting,
how I fought those struggles, and I also left you readers a few challenges!
This week, we will talk about the My Plate Calorie Tracker. This app is very
user friendly, and it has a very easy log in process. You can choose to login
through Facebook (which I did), or you can register under any other email. The app
also links with your IPhone, which allows it to sync your Health app
This will let you track almost anything you eat, and will
give you the closest estimation of how many calories you have just taken in.
When I made macaroni, I had a very close calorie count, and then on the home
page, it had how many calories I had to burn in order to meet my weight loss
goal. The goal is set when you first log into your account. I loved how easy it
was to use this app, and how organized the information was. I highly recommend this
for anyone trying to go on a strict diet!